Sunday, April 18, 2010


I know that the last thing you want to hear about right now is my 'rental problems, but it happens to be what i want to talk about. And this is my blog, so get over it.
Who out there has that thing going on where one of your parents smother you and constantly meddles? I mean, what happened to tough love? That was a good concept. At least it allowedthe kids to have their OWN LIVES. If we want to create problems for ourselves, leave us to solve them. PLEASE. I know that a lot of people out there are like solve my problems for me but take it from me - don't. You have no idea how annoying it is. SO ANNOYING. On the first day of term here, after I talkedto my mother on the phone, I actually got my suitcase down out of the closet in the penitentiary and stared at it for about half anhour, picturing myself just putting everything back in and just walking out. How easy would it be? Just put everything back... and walk out. How many people from Melbourne drive to Sydney every day?
I got over it by thenext day - but the concept lingers. Tantalising, isn't it? I'm going to do it one day. Pack a case and hitch to Sydney. You either do it or you don't.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

If I could walk through walls...

JOSH THOMAS TONIGHT! Woot! Excitement overload, soz - take a deep breath. Me and CC and her not-friend r going to see Josh Thomas tonight - cute little rabbit funnyman. :D Twill b awesome whether or not he's actually funny because guess what, pumpkins? IT'S FRIDAY! Therefore everything in the world is in its right place because the weekend looms, my lovelies - forty-eight hours of unadultered procrastination and bumming out. Thank the Lord for small mercies - or large ones, hopefully :D The weekend is my world, you have no idea. The penitentiary is actually doing something cool (I know) and taking a bunch of us to The Most Amazing Market I have ever had the privilege of attending. And it's in a grungy parking lot out the back of Cue: Camberwell Markets. I once got eleven pieces of clothing and a bag for nine dollars there. That makes it my kaimono heaven.

In short, it's going to be a good weekend - from the moment school ends, till the moment I hand my laptop in on Sunday night.

I still haven't figured out a way to sneak out of the penitentiary - any ideas, doubters? The doors are alarmed after nine eleven, and all the windows are either chained shut or screwed into place. There must be a way. Suggestions are welcome from all and sundry - I've already exhausted the bring-a-screwdriver,-dipshit avenue of thought. First of all, I'd feel like a real idiot unscrewing the window panes and climbing out, and secondly - what if somebody walked past? Just doing the maintenance, folks... nothing to panic about. And please don't call the house mistresses. Yeah-nah.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Double ethics...

I have a feeling I write to you kind of a lot in double ethics, but that's just an indicator of how AWESOME (cough cough) the subject is... especially first thing in the morning when you know you've got double science afterwards. If you knew me, you'd understand how suicidally depressing this is. I'm one of those people that you can teach science to, and I'll get it, and then I'll walk out to go to the bathroom, come back in, and you'll have to teach it to me all over again. I have a goldfish brain when it comes to Chemistry. WTF are all those elements anyway? It makes for rather slow progress. It also accounts for my lack of marks in the subject - not the low quality of them, but the actual lack. It's because I just sit there and stare at the paper and all the random letters and symbols and Tables That Rachel Does Not Understand blur until they make pretty pictures, which I much prefer.

Ethics, on the other hand... well, I get to sit here and talk to you. I've spent the whole first period going through other people's blogs and actually (sad but true) begging people to comment/follow my blog, because I'm lonely and unloved :( Hey, that's what the internets for, right? That and demotivational posters (heh heh LOL)

Last night I reunited with the girl who was my best friend in year seven whom I haven't seen since the end of first term of said year. It was AMAZINGly awesome. Who would have guessed? It was an exciting night :D I also went on a supermarket run and discovered Blueberry Gum. I'm giving it capital letters because it's that excellent. See what I mean? Exciting night.

AND this morning I found another person who can't blow bubbles with gum! How incredible is that? I thought I was the only one. I finally learnt to click though. Have a cookie. It was my music guru, of all people. She's my musical and bubblegum soulmate. What are the chances?
PS (because my labels thing is fucking up D<) I actually think this guy is getting hit with a ball, but I like to pretend it's gum because it makes me feel better.

All Time Low

It's not as ominous as it sounds - it's the name of the band Ihave just discovered and am subsequently obsessede with. Who can not love Shameless by All Time Low? It's on par with Monsters by Matchbook Romance. A completely different genre, of course - the bands/music are absolutely nothing alike, but Monsters is the one ultimate song on my iPod (out of the 4002 songs on there) that makes me want to get up and jump around the room like the crazy person trapped inside me and sing along really crappily at the top of my lungs. Kind of hard at the penitentiary, unless I'm in Ranga's room, in which case it's pretty routine. Ranga & Co. are all insane randoms - in the very best way :D I wish I was in there with them.

As it is, my own cell in the penitentiary is looking up (Mother Mary full of grace...) My life at the penitentiary seems to be getting better in direct proportion to my life getting worse at home home. Parental relations have taken a violent nosedive... and it's a long way back up to three thousand feet. We'll never make the mile-high club, that's for sure. Grimace face. Lol, but I have a crappy joke to make and I'm going to make it, coz it's my blog and u cant stop me.

Looks like me and my family are at an All Time Low.